Some simple options have been added that allow you to make your message text appear a little more lively. First of all the standard options
<b>bold</b>, <u>underline</u> and <i>italics</i> have been added. Furthermore you can add some icons (smileys) to your text.
In order to use this, surround the text you want to apply an effect to
with the HTML tags, as is shown above. So for example, right before
the word you want to be printed bold, you add <b>, and just
behind the word you add </b>.
You can be aided by the system, by clicking one of the words 'bold', 'italics' or 'underline' just above the textarea where you enter the message text. An opening and closing tag
will then be automatically added and you can type your text between those tags.
By far the easiest way, though, is to highlight/select the text you want to make bold, italics or underlined and then click on of the words 'bold', 'italics' or 'underlined'.
The correct tags will then be placed around your selected text.
The smileys also have their own special codes in the text. For example, one of the smileys is called 'smile' and the code used within the text to insert that smiley in the message
is: :smile:. You can easily add the right code within the text, by putting the cursor at the location where you want to enter the smiley, and then clicking the smiley you
want to add. The system will then add the correct code to the text.