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Humping in the vet's office.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1719 words)

Author: Lori Picture in profile
Added: Nov 17 2001Views / Reads: 6859 / 6053 [88%]Story vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
I thought he was too good-looking to be straight. As he fucked me on my exam table, I knew how wrong I was!

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I didn't mean for it to happen. I actually thought he was gay. What other kind of a man is 30, single, attractive, and has a cat that he adores?

I was working in my practice alone. It was a lazy, late-fall morning and I had no patients. It was Thursday, a day I usually set aside solely for surgeries and none were scheduled. I told the staff the night before to take the day off and just come in for the evening appointments. As it was supposed to be a glorious day, they all agreed.

I came in to do paperwork that I had been putting off for some time, and to answer any calls that might come in. I could have worked at home and had calls forwarded, but the thought that someone might need to stop in to pick up an item forced me to drag myself out of the house. I grumbled at the warm weather, so unlike mid-November, as I dressed; underwear, white hose, black knee-length dress, comfy black shoes. Not the best for a warm day, but rooting about for a summer shift seemed too much like work, and I hadn't had my coffee yet.

Out the door, in the office, a few hours go by and I am done. It wasn't even lunchtime yet and I was feeling peckish and looking out the window longingly. The phone hadn't made a peep all morning, no one had knocked on the door, and I was ready to spend a few hours outside before returning in the evening. ...

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