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Flame Rekindledthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1284 words)

Author: Cougar
Added: Nov 20 2001Views / Reads: 1076 / 690 [64%]Story vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
After years of marriage, sometimes it's necessary to rekindle the flame.

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After another late night sitting at the computer & chatting with all his on-line friends, he decided to head on to bed.......alone again, of course. That seemed to happen way too often in the last few years. His wife, whom he cared for very much, had lost all interest in their sex life. He had dropped hints, recommended going to a marriage counselor, everything that he could think of......and just the other day, he had left several books lying around.......all of them dealing with the subject of how to 'rekindle that spark' in a long marriage. All to no avail apparently.........because nothing was ever said & the books had disappeared. He didn't feel comfortable any more sleeping in their bed......because he always got so aroused lying beside her, but his advances were frequently turned away. What's the use of trying anymore, he had decided. So, he headed to the guest bedroom for another restless night.......maybe not, though, he hadn't slept well in a couple of weeks & he was really exhausted tonight, so hopefully, he could get in a few good hours of sleep.

Hours after, he was deep in sleep........lying in the middle of the huge bed all alone & completely nude (he always slept that way). He was stretched out on his back with arms & legs outflung & totally out of it.

Until, he felt a tickling sensation on his cheeck......'not another damn ...

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