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Ladies Night Outthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:group, 2769 words)

Author: Anonymous
Added: Nov 23 2001Views / Reads: 18424 / 16266 [88%]Story vote: 8.50 (10 votes)
A Woman comes to an Orgy expecting other men but is surprised to find only women.

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I couldn't believe my weekend. I had gone from the simple, no risk girl to one who had actually been to an orgy. Never in my wildest dreams did I figure that I would submit myself to that kind of environment.

Forever and ever, I had been loyal to both myself and my boyfriend. I was a virgin only 3 years ago. Now, I had experienced things I only dreamed about a couple of weeks ago. My dreams would typically give way to reality and what I thought was better judgement.

The day after the "party" was fairly uneventful. I made it home in an almost exhausted state. I slept through most of the afternoon and evening. My pussy was sore. I had been used more in a 4 hour period than in my previous 3 years of activity. I needed the rest.

I was awakened by a call from my boyfriend Tom.


"Where've you been?"

"I was here. I was just a little tired and decided to sleep the afternoon away."

"Listen, I'm sorry about Friday. The meeting is being moved to a week from Monday. My guess is I won't be around this weekend either." ...

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