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By The Screen's Glowthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:masturbation, 2283 words)

Author: emptyhed
Added: Nov 24 2001Views / Reads: 1413 / 741 [52%]Story vote: 8.00 (3 votes)
Another night online, sitting here I trade keystrokes and innuendo with a lover on the other end of the modem

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My fingers peck at the keyboard as I blink at the screen, the words glowing fuzzily back at me. I reach out and take a sip of my soda to wet my drying lips. I read over her words again.

<my pussy is so wet for u>

I glance at my response in the send box efre hitting return, watching my words magically appear on the screen before me.

<r u playing with urself now?>

I couldn't believe how wrapped up in this I had become. I never went into chatrooms before, the whole interest of computers and Internet cummunication escaping me, but sitting home by myself for days upon days, nothing to occupy all this time I had free, I went ahead, figuring that maybe it would ease my boredom slightly. That had been two weeks ago, and now I looked forward to sitting down in front of my computer every night, hoping to encounter this girl I happened to meet in some chatroom. My imagination filled with thoughts of her, fueled by her emails and our chatting, fueled by fantasis that would never be met.

<my fingers r rubbing my cit>

<i'm thinking how good ur tongue would feel against me> ...

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