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The substitutethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2701 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Rorshach
Added: Nov 25 2001Views / Reads: 14441 / 10719 [74%]Part vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
A substitute teacher's particularly good day at work.

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I'd been subbing for about a year when it happened. I say "it" because there's only one thing to which I could be referring. It only happened once, and nothing even remotely close ever happened again in the five years total I spent subbing after I got out of college.

It was funny, because I never wanted to be a teacher, I went to school for communications, but when I got out, I couldn't find a job, and I just kind of fell into subbing, mostly for junior high or high school. Turns out I was good at it and I liked it. Go figure.

Anyway, I'd been subbing for about a year when it happened, and I thought I'd seen it al. I'd broken up fights, had things thrown at me, stared down more than a few punks, and had gotten good enough that I didn't worry about any kind of class.

On this day I was subbing for a Mrs. Platt or something like that, senior history. All I had to do during the day was hand out a quiz, go over it with the kids, and then let them work on anything else they might have to do. It was just another day, real easy, and it flew by until my 6th period class.

As the class worked on their quiz, I walked around the room, checking on how they were coming along, as I usually do, more to give myself ...

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