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Weekend With The In-Lawsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 5268 words)

Author: Sweet Brandy
Added: Nov 26 2001Views / Reads: 8632 / 7994 [93%]Story vote: 8.88 (8 votes)
Chrissy is nervous about meeting her husbands parents for the first time. They are prominent in society and have a lot of money.But Chrissy soon finds herself more comfortable after watching her Father In Law masterbating in his office while thinking of h

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The snow poured down around us and I shivered. We had been driving for 7 hours by the time the snow had begun to fall. With only about 5 more miles to go, I couldn’t wait to get there. The trip had been long in coming but I had still dreaded it. I was meeting my husbands family for the first time. Robert had decided it was time for me to meet them and said his parents were no longer upset. His family had not been too happy when they found out their second son had eloped with a stripper after only knowing her for 6 months. Robert’s parents are rich and very prominent. His father is a famous Criminal Prosecutor with a highly established Law firm and his mother inherited a small fortune from her father. Robert once told me that his family was well worth over 30 million dollars and that the number was growing everyday. This is why I was not looking forward to meeting them.

Looking out the window, lost in my thoughts I watched as the houses we passed grew bigger and more sophisticated. I knew we were close. “ Are you O.K. Chrissy ? “ Robert asked and began rubbing my hand. I assured him I was fine, just a little nervous. He smiled at me and said, “ Honey don’t worry. My parents are going to love you. They act like big snobs, but they are actually loving and friendly people. They will see how special you are and realize how it was I came to love you so fast.” Yeah right, I thought to myself and went back staring out the window.

Soon we were pulling up to a tall gate that had an intricately carved gold sign that said Lavender Meadows. Oh great I thought to myself, ...

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