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Mistress Mimi's Petthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:bondage, 3275 words)

Author: Mimispet
Added: Dec 04 2001Views / Reads: 6661 / 5002 [75%]Story vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
My Mistress leaves me a note and from the sound of it I will be tied to the bed tonight... little did I know we would have company.

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I open the door to the apartment hearing a scraping noise the door sticks. What the hell did that damned cat break behind the door I wonder. Pushing my way in I find that it is my collar and leash. The leash has become stuck under the door. I free my leash from under the door and find your note. It reads “My pet, I will be home a little late. There is some dinner in the microwave – you will need to heat it is all. Please eat right away. Clean up the kitchen. Then go into our bedroom. Take a shower, I want you all dolled up for me. Put on your collar and attach the leash for me. I have laid out your attire for the evening. Please dress, prepare the bed and wait laying in the middle of the bed for me to come to you in the bedroom” Pretty thorough instructions.

You must have come home for lunch today. I wonder what you have in mind for tonight. I let my mind roam the possibilities this causes me to become hard. I like wondering what you are up to. I wonder where you are. I don’t worry too much nor do I try too hard to figure out what you are up to. I just do as I am instructed. Isn’t that part of the fun. I decide to have a large glass of water with dinner forgoing a beer until later. I trim, shave and shower. I am all dolled up for you. I go into the bedroom to ready the bed. Sheets turned down. Restraints attached to each corner of the bed. All of them are tight and will reach the center of the bed. I get our the round cylindrical pillow that we use if we are securing to the bed face down. It allows the hips to be elevated to the perfect height. You have chosen a red sheer ...

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