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Anniethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:oral sex, 1879 words)

Author: Eddie Pounder Picture in profile
Added: Dec 10 2001Views / Reads: 10816 / 8349 [77%]Story vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
This is a story I wrote a while back about my best female friend Annie, needless to say, she had to masturbate after she read it. :)

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Last week my family was to go on vacation to eastern Texas, and to visit my grandparents that lived there. It was a long boring drive from our hill country paradise, and the twangy country music coming through the speaker behind my head was getting old fast. We drove and drove, first we left the beautiful limestone hills and clear streams of the hill country, then we went through muddy and flat central Texas, and finally we hit trees, lots of them, tall, green pine trees. It was almost as if we had drove back through time. Farms everywhere, people who looked like they belonged in the 19th century, road kill on the highway every twenty yards. But I also noticed it’s good attributes. For one thing, there were lots of beautiful larger sized females that weren’t shy about their bodies, wearing tight blue jeans and long beautiful hair falling down to their full, plump bottoms.

Well, it turned out that we had to get a motel room for the night, in a town called Lufkin, because my grandmother lives there, and my other grandparents live in a place called Crockett. My family left our motel room to go see my granny for a while, I didn’t feel like going because I was so tired from the long, six hour ride. I got bored from watching TV, so I decided to look out the window and watch some females who were walking down the sidewalk next to the motel. These women were very beautiful, with dark, wavy hair and plump, soft bodies tightly packed into tight clothing. I felt my erection grow in my pants and then I ...

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