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Cruisingthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:romantic, 16193 words)

Author: Jackson Dunn
Added: Dec 11 2001Views / Reads: 1470 / 1222 [83%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A young man looking for a change in his life takes a South Seas voyage and tastes a bounty of exotic fruits.

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by Jackson Dunn

My life had taken a back-flip. In just eighteen months by marriage was over. It wasn't surprising. I should never have entered into it in the first place. It wasn't that she was a beautiful girl and I mean beautiful in every way you want to put it. She just couldn't satisfy me. Sure, we had some good sex together but it wasn't enough and it wasn't complete.

I was still trying to come to terms with this ending. It wasn't easy having thought you loved someone and then finally realising that you were living a lie. The most important thing was to move on so I decided a sea voyage through the South Pacific might be the best thing to cure my ills and make a new beginning.

My expectations were high when I embarked on this journey. I was still only twenty- seven after all and I had heard that life on board cruising ships was pretty much an orgy. If sex was the go, I was going to be in it up to my balls. I didn't really care how it came. It was going to be full steam ahead for me.

I arrived at Sydney Cove to see my liner berthed at the main terminal. She was a majestic ship, glistening white. It seemed to know it was the ...

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