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The Shipsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 4313 words)

Author: Bear
Added: Dec 12 2001Views / Reads: 6310 / 4834 [77%]Story vote: 8.33 (6 votes)
Guy meets a woman at an expo, then all the fun starts

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I was running my company booth at a convention, we make computer peripherals. I had been away from home for over three weeks, and was getting a little bored and lonely. One night I went down to the hotel bar for dinner and a few drinks. Maybe I could find a lady to talk to and dance with. Sitting at the bar was one of the loveliest ladies I had ever seen. She looked in her early thirty'es, tiny, maybe five foot one, and ninety five pounds. She was blonde with hair down to her tush. Why is this lady sitting alone I asked myself. I walked up next to her and asked if I could sit on the stool beside her. She said sure, but I should know right off the bat that she was happily married. I told her that was ok by me, so was I (So I lied a little, I am married). I asked if I could freshen her drink, and she said that she was fine. After ordering myself a Jack Daniel's on the rocks, I turned to look into two of the deepest most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. I told her that I was here for the convention, and was bored and lonely, I would love to have her company for dinner and a few dances afterward. Turned out that she was here for the same convention and was bored and lonely too. She would be glad to have dinner with me and share a few dances afterward. The only conditions were that she would pay her own way and I understood that pleasant conversation was all I would get out of the evening. I told her that was fine with me (Although it wasn't really). I asked the bartender to put in our dinner reservation and we talked about this and that. Her name was Jessica, she was running a booth on the other side of the convention hall. Her company made graphic scanners, a little company trying to get its foot in the door. As I ...

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