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Movie Theater Blackmailthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5515 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: ving
Added: May 27 2000Views / Reads: 2164 / 1956 [90%]Part vote: 9.25 (4 votes)
Husband tricks wife into gangbang at dirty movie theater

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movie theater three Jim Evans spent the next day on the phone. "No, I am not kidding, and no it is not a scam, does a scam artist wear a tailored suit worth at least a thousand dollars?" He listened for a few seconds, "Look, if she doesn't turn you on, just leave, and if no one shows up, the first two rounds are on me." He listened again, "Listen to yourself you idiot, you want a drink more than you want a woman, man sometimes I worry about you. Just be there before 8:30, okay?" He hung up the phone and shook his head, I need to get some new friends, he thought to himself. If they saw the sincerity in the old mans eyes, there'd be no problem. His only fear was what the wife looked liked. When Jim and the five friends he called saw Kris, Jim never had to buy another round the rest of his life.

Kris spent the day at her spa, being pampered by a bevy of drones. She had a sauna, pedicure, manicure, massage, facial, and her hair styled. No part of her body went untouched, she saved her pussy for herself, and fingered herself to a climax in the sauna. While rubbing her clit, her eyes closed,and she saw herself being touched by many hands, all stroking and caressing her body, then she saw her husband watching and immeadiatley came. She still didn't know if she was doing this for him or for herself.

Stan spent the day buying the clothes he wanted Kris to wear that night. He saw her as a classy tart, so he was at the mall going from Bloomingdales to Neiman Marcus to Lord and Taylor, looking for that ...

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