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Tutoring Billythis story is part of the FanClub (mm:romantic, 2199 words) [4/7] show all parts

Author: decal
Added: May 27 2000Views / Reads: 938 / 814 [87%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
The swing I took at Arnie was total reflex. But he read it perfectly. Stepped back with one foot, grabbed my wrist, twisted me around with my arm firmly planted behind my back. Pain shot through my arm and shoulder.

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Tutoring Billy by decal (decal02@hotmail.com)

Part 4

I stopped dead in my tracks. There was no way to hide my shock at seeing Arnie. Shock however quickly gave way to fearful embarrassment as I figured he knew I'd spent the night with Billy. But then anger rushed through me. This was the man who'd hurt Billy. Arnie just kept his eyes focused calmly, intently on my face. I wasn't easily intimidated, but he intimidated me big time. In this quiet face-off, he made it clear he had the upper hand. He also knew my fear was greater than my anger...and for that I hated him even more. I considered rushing for the car, but my feet felt stuck to the ground. I waited for him to make the first move.

Arnie's hand was still down the front of his boxer shorts, slowly scratching (almost fondling) his genitals. My groin reacted to the sexual tension before I became conscious of it. He took a final drag off his smoke and flicked it at me. It landed just in front of my feet, still glowing. At least I didn't flinch.

"Put it out, OK." It wasn't a question.

I didn't move. The words in my mind were 'Put it out yourself, asshole' but I said nothing. Arnie stepped toward me. ...

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