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A bad boy I won't forgetthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 2486 words)

Author: lyndsy
Added: Dec 18 2001Views / Reads: 15230 / 11463 [75%]Story vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
The story of how I lost my virginity my senior year of highschool.

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The bad boy that took my virginity

The first time I ever saw Mike was in my junior year of high school. He was playing a drum set in the band room during my fourth period class. I was in awe. He’s about six foot, maybe taller. Not too muscular, but I don’t like a lot a muscles anyway. He was a bleached blond and had a kind of a skater look to him. It was obvious to all the other girls in my class that I was completely head over heals for him. My best friend Jessie, I think was in shock. She had known Mike since they were kids. They were never good friends, but they new each other existed and sometimes talked in their seventh period class. Jessie was the one who told me Mike had nipple rings. I overheat just thinking about it. Well, I never really saw Mike much after that day. Of coarse I got a glimpse of him occasionally in the hall, but there was never enough time to say hello, or introduce myself, not like I had the guts to do that anyway. After a whole lot of convincing I finally was able to persuade Jessie to talk to Mike about me. I think she was embarrassed to tell him that one of her friends liked him. I told her that she could tell him my name or anything about me, but he never approached me. All I knew about the outcome of that is that he knew someone liked him, but he didn’t know who, or so I thought. Soon the school year was over. I think Mike got kicked out of our school so he went to a school a few blocks away. Anyway, I didn’t see him for quite a while, so I didn’t think about him. I started going out with this guy I met while at a ski resort while snowboarding one weekend, but ...

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