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Margaret & Ron - Episode 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2870 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: A.Shanty
Added: Dec 20 2001Views / Reads: 988 / 883 [89%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
After a torrid introductionin Episode 1, Margaret ignored Ron for the rest of the week, but red lust won the day.

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The next few days were torture. She wouldn’t speak to me at work except in the presence of others. The office phones were not a good idea. Since she’d not given me a phone number at home and I had no idea where she lived, she had cut me off. I tried Shelley, the receptionist, but she said Mrs. Andrews said she was not to be disturbed at home. I thought it was over before it had begun. I was devastated.

My memory was full of sights, her breasts, her eyes, even her feet, of sounds, her panting, moaning, crying, the sloppy sound of conjoining, of her skin, its wonderful texture, of her smells, particularly her smells, and so much of the joys and excitement we had both experienced. What a body ! What a mouth ! I revelled in the way she opened to me, totally free and shameless in our first encounter, expecting me to take full advantage and expecting the same of me. Was this not love ?

I stayed late on Friday night. I had nothing else to do. I thought I’d just tidy up a few files, wait until the bars really got swinging, then go out and get drunk. What the hell !! She was driving me nuts.

I was feeling really sorry for myself when my phone rang about seven. I really didn’t want to pick it up. I looked at it ringing and decided whoever it was, they could wait till Monday. Nobody could think I was in the office at this hour on a Friday night. Surprise! It rang again five minutes later. ...

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