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Birthday party surprisethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1686 words)

Author: just-another-guy
Added: Dec 22 2001Views / Reads: 8808 / 8127 [92%]Story vote: 9.00 (8 votes)
I take my 7 year old son to a birthday party for his classmate, and find that his friends mom is not only hot, but horny

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It was Friday night, and I wasn't looking forward to taking my son Sam to his friend’s birthday party, but that’s the way it goes when you’re a dad. My wife was going to be busy with her friends, so I had drawn the short straw. Just what I wanted, a night with a bunch of 1st grade kids pulling each other’s fingers and making fart sounds.

I already knew that Sam's friends mom was divorced, but that’s’ about all I knew about her. I had met her once at school for the Christmas sing along, I remember that she was about 35, had short black hair, skinny, about 5 foot 2, and despite looking very professional, was very cute as well, but that was pretty much just a passing thought while ignoring 3rd grade singing "Feliz Navidad" I thought on the way over, how unlucky for this kid Jeremy that his birthday is right after Christmas. Oh well, at least it was during Christmas vacation.

I pulled into the drive way, and my son and I walked up to the door. Beth, Jeremy's mom, opened the door wearing a wonderfully tight cable knit black sweater. I hadn't noticed before now, but she had to be at least a C cup, maybe a D.....on a skinny 5 foot 2 frame....

"Wow" I said to myself. "Hi, I'm Mark, Sam's dad" She responded with a smirk, "oh yes, I remember you, I was hoping you could make it". I wasn't sure how to take that, although seeing her again, and in a different light, I knew how I wanted to take it. She took my coat and said "Please, make yourself at home. There's beer in the fridge". ...

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