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Meganthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 1170 words)

Author: JennTill1
Added: Dec 29 2001Views / Reads: 4346 / 2873 [66%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Short, but hot story of how Megan celebrates Mike's birthday with a girlfriend of hers--even though he has to work late.

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Megan's by JennTill (Jenntill1@hotmail.com)

Michael and I (Megan) had talked about being with another girl and I had just the right one for him!

I am 5' 9", 115#, 36d-24-34 Blonde, greenish eyes, VERY sexual and like to keep it shaved.

Michael is 25 6ft 165# moderate build, aurburn hair, he is about 8.5" hard and he was in martial arts for 11yrs.. We are both tan and healthy. I, along with my friend Lisa, am a model. She is 5' 10", 119#, 38d-24-34 very, very hot! She has [dyed] auburn hair and is shaved also. Although she does have olive skin with dark tan nipples and pussy with soft, plump lips. Mine and hers are about the same.

Lisa had given me an indication that I was very lucky to have Michael and often chatted about his great looks. She also let it be known that she appreciated girls too. Because of her exciting, active, lifestyle, I wasn't too concerned about her being "after" Michael. But I did notice how she looked at me!

One night, Michael was working late. I went down to his office with Lisa and went in by myself to say "hello" and bring him food. I had Lisa wait outside. I told him I had a surprise for dessert. He owns his own company and everyone had already gone home (because by now it's about ...

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