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Gone Fishing - Two.this story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 6566 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Bulldog Breed
Added: Jan 01 2002Views / Reads: 1675 / 1106 [66%]Part vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
It had started as a fishing trip. Peter was finding out some strange things about his fathers friends; he was also finding out something about his own sexuality. A strange dark tale of sexual unease.

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Gone Fishing - TWO

I picked up my towel from the floor and stood up. I wiped away the secretions from Fred’s arse that were congealing round my mouth. I stared at the doorway trying to make out who was stood silhouetted there. Fred raised himself up off the table and rested on one elbow. ‘Doogie, you old dog, I thought you were going to call round tomorrow?’ Fred said standing up. ‘What and miss this wee bit of fun; caught you again with you fucking trousers down you’re a dirty male whore wee Freddie.’ I saw the young laddie licking that bonnie wee arse hole of yours you lucky English bastard you.’ I looked on in amazement as the chap entered the caravan; he walked over and embraced Fred in a clinch like bear hug. I noticed he ran his hand all the way down Fred’s back to his rounded buttocks, his fingers momentarily slipping into Fred’s crack. ‘III...III’m... I’m going for a swim,’ I stuttered making a hurried exit. I bounded across the grass to the water, dropping my towel at the edge I dived in; the cold water engulfed me in its icy embrace. My mind was a whirl, what had I done what had I let Fred do to me; who was this Doogie? I broke surface, swam the length of the pool cleaving through the water like a hot knife through butter, driven by my thoughts about Fred’s body, the taste of his secretions; how I had enjoyed licking and sucking at a mans arsehole and enjoying the taste. I stopped in the shallows and rubbed my body vigorously trying to wash away the dirt of my experience; I parted the cheeks of my arse and touched my anal sphincter, it was sore, but as soon as my finger ...

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