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A night out...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:female domination, 3009 words)

Author: Rahja
Added: Jan 08 2002Views / Reads: 1131 / 779 [69%]Story vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
My Master and I go out to a night club and I push a little too far.

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I stand looking around the first level of the dark club. It’s a nicer club in a college city. It’s a great combination of chrome, black and purple. Just dark enough that you can let your inhibitions go after a couple of drinks, light enough that you can really see what you are looking for. The music is great. It’s one of those clubs that is really more like being at a rave. The dance floor and stage are packed and there are people dancing and hanging around everywhere. This club is known for the heavy flow of alcohol and easily accessable "E".

I saunter up the stairs at the front of the club, slowly so that the bouncers get a good look at my body. Teasing men is my favorite thing. On the second floor of the club there is a pool table, a shooter bar and one large bar area. The middle is cut out so that you can look down onto the dance floor. I see that my friend is bartending tonight. I go and lean seductively over the bar.

"Hi Jeff, you been busy?"

"Hey Missy!" His eyes wander lower as he speaks..."You are lookin hot tonight! What are you drinking?"

"So far? Nothing. I’d love a rye and ginger." I trace the strap of my red halter top from my collar bone deep into the V between my 36D breasts, he follows my fingers like a predator spying prey.


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