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Unexpected Lovethis story is part of the FanClub (bi:first time, 6869 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: mybebe Picture in profile
Added: Jan 09 2002Views / Reads: 4924 / 3327 [68%]Part vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
Carly has never doubted her sexuality. Until she meets the new consultant at work. Her life is thrown into turmoil when the beautiful lady enters her office.....there will a part 2...

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Carly lay in Mandi’s arms, both of them attempting to catch their breath. She moved slowly, sliding her arms around her lover, pulling her closer. Smiling into Mandi’s beautiful brown eyes, Carly mouthed, “I love you”, and lightly pressed her lips to Mandi’s.

Mandi gently slipped her tongue into Carly’s mouth moving in close, their breasts now pressed together. A low moan escaped into Mandi’s mouth as Carly raised her outer leg slightly, lowering it over Mandi’s. Slowly she pumped her wet, still throbbing pussy against Mandi’s thigh. Mandi pushed her thigh higher, tighter in response, and drew her tongue from Carly’s warm mouth, nibbling her bottom lip gently. Finally releasing her lips, Mandi smiled.

“I love you too, baby.” She reached up, running her fingers through Carly’s soft red curls. Slipping her hand around the back of Carly’s neck, Mandi drew her in for another deep kiss.

Carly sat straight up with an audible gasp. Her heart was pounding a wild tom tom beat in her chest. She peered around her dim bedroom, looking for something wrong, something out of place, as her hand went to her chest, covering her racing heart. Everything looked ok, but she could not shake the feeling of unease that was making her skin crawl as if a thousand bugs skittered over her body.

Deciding a glass of water might help restore her sense of well being, ...

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