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I Remember.......this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2709 words)

Author: ltltits
Added: Jan 15 2002Views / Reads: 921 / 531 [58%]Story vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
A rotten day ended much better than expected.

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I remember..... It was a really bad day. I cleaned all day and was aggravated by fact that no one in this house is cleaning any thing except me.

On top of that, it was cold, rainy, wet, and miserable all day. I know this, because I was out in it several times today.

I couldn't even tease-mail my husband, Morgan, at work, because he wasn't in the building today. He had to go out of town but would be home tonight. He does not stay out of town overnight without me. Only once in almost 16 years of marriage. He would rather drive 7 hours to be home, than sleep away from me.

I was really upset, and went into 'bitch mode' when I got the 2 kids home from school. They both had plans for the weekend, but being threatened with getting grounded did wonders for their abilities to help.

After dinner I decided that I would go take a hot bath in my garden tub that is surrounded by candles, just for occasions like this.

When the tub was full and bubbly, I grabbed a glass of brandy and cream and told the kids if they knocked on the door, there had better be a fire in the house.


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