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Dance of Adulterythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3501 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Millenium_Mann
Added: May 29 2000Views / Reads: 2915 / 1897 [65%]Part vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
As story about how to have an affair, with all the rewards, and no messy sneaking around. One on One sex, oral and instruction.

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I received a call around 7:30, I got off the phone and told her that a client who was in town from overseas just called and wanted to go to dinner. I had already eaten dinner, but she knew that when you are in sales you don't say, "no" to a client. It was a very good reason to leave the house but a total lie, the telephone call was another lie. I had called myself at home with my cell phone.

Don't believe what you read or see in the movies, affairs don't just happen. They have to be arranged and nurtured, it's a carefully orchestrated dance between two people, who have no other connections than a strong physical attraction. When you hear about a man having sex with his wife's best friend, that isn't an affair. It's either the act of a man who wants to be caught or just plain stupid. I don't want to leave my wife, and I'm surely not stupid.

The first time I saw Lynda, she let me know right away that she was interested. I work in a large office building, about 50 different companies, crammed into a 25 story Tower. When I first saw her I was down in the basement lunchroom at about 8:15 in the morning, no one else was around. As she entered the room her eyes found me and locked on mine, she didn't miss a step as she swayed to sit two tables over from me. It was close enough to talk to me and let me know that she was a player, but far enough for others to know that we were not there together.


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