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Fun With Lonithis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 15895 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Steve Smith
Added: Jan 16 2002Views / Reads: 10174 / 8282 [81%]Part vote: 8.50 (8 votes)
Loni is a neighbor that lives just on the next corner with her husband and four children. This is the story of how my fantasy came true.

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Fun With Loni

Loni is a neighbor that lives just on the next corner with her husband and four children.

Loni's oldest girl is away at college, a girl in high school and two boys, one in middle school and one in elementary. Loni turned 40 this past summer. She is a petite woman about 5'3' and 105 pounds. She was a ballerina in her younger days (as is her high school daughter now). Loni has the shape and light sensual air about her in the way she moves that she more resembles her daughter's age than her own. Loni jogs most days and I always look forward to the chance of seeing her in her spandex running shorts and top, I do hate the baggy shirt that she wears over it though. Just a bit of self-conscious security blanket like most women have. Never realizing how beautiful she really is. Her face is that of an angle, slender chin, high cheekbones, the smoothest cream colored skin, almond shaped near black eyes so deep sometimes I think I can see her soul. Her most wonderfully white-streaked dark brown hair hangs straight to the base of her neck framing her beautiful face. Loni has that little mousy girl look to her that makes me just want to grab her up, hold her tight as I can and squeeze her never letting go.

My wife (Sue) has become a good friend of Loni's in the two years since we moved in to East Texas. They started a little thing called the ...

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