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Her House Part 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:asian/oriental, 1400 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: bigasianfan
Added: Jan 23 2002Views / Reads: 3020 / 2034 [67%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
A lazy day at the lake begins with a shabang!

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Another addition to the Jackie series. A new location, and a new clothing style led me into heaven on this occasion. m/f

As I drove my convertible down the freeway the wind blew through my hair, the sun shone on my back, and the blue leather seat next to me heated up. On the radio played "Cruel, Cruel, Summer" and I sang along, oblivious to what a truly cruel summer would be made up of. The traffic was moving well above the speed limit and I was generally enjoying myself. I had gotten up around 6am for a nice early morning drive. It's easier to move about the freeways at that time of the morning. The next song to come on my radio was "Saturday In the Park" and I knew I was in the right place. A beautiful sunny Saturday, only a week past my last visit with Jackie.

I was on my way to pick her up when my cell phone began to ring wildly. Well, I'd like to think it was wildly, but it was just plain old ringing. I reached into the side door panel and grabbed it out, hot potatoing it for a second as the sun had been cooking it too. I answered and guess who it was. Jackie said hi, I said hi, etc., and she explained to me that we could spend the entire day at her house because her roomates were outta town.

Some explanation is needed of Jackie's living situation. She lives in one of the extreme Northern suburbs of Minneapolis, with a group of girls she met while a member of a sorority at the University of ...

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