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Ballin' the Soccer Studthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:straight/jock seduction, 6023 words)

Author: Colt Spencer Picture in profile
Added: May 29 2000Views / Reads: 4516 / 3818 [85%]Story vote: 9.22 (9 votes)
Cage thought his secret desire for his straight buddy Dan was something he'd have to keep to himself. But a chance encounter with the stud on a lonely Saturday night leads to an experience that leaves him breathless...

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Cage Crawford is the pseudonym for an author who resides in Central Pennsylvania. His work has appeared in such erotic magazines as FIRST HAND, GUYS, and STRAIGHT MAN TALES, and his first manuscript, "The Straight and Narrow...And Other Stories of Seduction," is currently under consideration at a publishing house. He is also a playwright, screenwriter, and reporter. He welcomes comments, criticism, and anything else you want to sling his way.

C) 1998 First Hand Ltd.

Ballin' the Soccer Stud

Saturday night, nothing to do. Sheesh! I figured I should at least try and get out of the house for the evening, as I couldn't imagine telling friends I'd stayed inside and jerked off yet again. So I decided to run over to the local video store to rent a good movie.

I walked into the store, I caught a glimpse of a friend of mine.


I had worked with Dan at a restaurant, and flirted with him quite liberally at times. He was one of those guys that loved to tease with you about sex, yet that was about all. Yeah, the kind who gave you blue ...

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