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Mikethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1332 words)

Author: LittleLovely Picture in profile
Added: Feb 04 2002Views / Reads: 942 / 228 [24%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
The expansion of a dream I had about a guy I work with. He’s 17, and I’m 21. Needless to say, he is often in my thoughts. No sex, yet. Newly edited. Give feedback for a sequel.

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The expansion of a dream I had about a guy I work with. He's 17, and I'm 21. Needless to say, he is often in my thoughts. No sex, yet. Give feedback for a sequel.

It was about an hour before we had to be at work, and Mike was going to give me a ride most of the way to work. I was thrilled that he'd offered to drive me to work since I don't drive. He has tan skin, and is incredibly hot. The fact that he's younger than me only turns me on even more. I've only known him a few months, and what I do know of him is that he seems to be a very straight person. I walked to his house which was only about a quarter of a mile away, and thus began a very unexpected encounter.

When I got to his house, I entered into his part of the house, which had a large shower stall in the corner and an armchair in the opposite corner. There really wasn't much else in the room. There was a door to the outside, as well as a door into the main area of the house where his mother was.

Mike greeted me with our usual hug, and I let it linger. I lust after him so much more than I should. I'm very happily engaged, and Mike was friends with the both of us. I didn't want to hurt any of the relationships, and he always seemed more intent than I to keep my fiance and I together.


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