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Hildythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 5329 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: the Troubador
Added: Feb 04 2002Views / Reads: 3732 / 3203 [86%]Part vote: 8.33 (6 votes)
Repost of Hildy: Hildy, a victim of a practical joke, believes her husband has cheated and "gets even".

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by the Troubador

Our troubles started at the wedding reception, but I didn't know it then.

My wife Hildy and I were in the wedding party, and we both had a whole lot too much Champaign. So as mad as she was, she knew she was polluted and kept it inside before she said something she didn't really mean. That turned out to be a very bad thing, because she slept on it. And she woke up with a hangover.

The wedding was for Bob and Beverly. They were the second pair of our college clique to get married, with Hildy and I being the first. We were married two years ago, the June we graduated, and now Bob and Beverly were joining us with a June wedding.

In college there were a couple dozen of us hung around together, boys and girls. Over the years we naturally split up into couples. Some of the gang had wandered away, but there were still eleven of us left here that partied together and sometimes we even took our vacations together.

The eleventh was Jonas, he was the only one not paired up. Jonas was a ...

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