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Losing Controlthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 1686 words)

Author: Titania
Added: May 30 2000Views / Reads: 1084 / 834 [77%]Story vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
An unexpected visitor teaches a control-oriented perfectionist how to let go of her self-control and submit to her fantasies.

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Jennifer glanced down at her watch. 4:33 and 21 seconds. Perfect. She had nearly an hour and a half to get to the airport to pick up Ricky. She took a deep, steadying breath as she quickened her pace across the campus parking lot. She was a little surprised that she agreed to this meeting. This wasn’t like her at all. She had never before met someone in person who she had met on-line...It was too dangerous. And here she was, on her way to the airport to pick up a man she met in a chatroom about six months back. No, this was not like her at all. She normally never took chances, especially ones this big. He could be some sort of psychopathic killer or something, but..this just felt right. He was, after all, her closest friend. He knew more about her than anyone else. They could, talk about anything, and did during their many long conversations. She told him things she couldn’t tell anyone else, even about her deepest sexual fantasies.....perhaps her comfort was due to the anonymity of the internet, though. She didn’t have to answer to Ricky, or to anyone else on-line, on a regular basis, and certainly not in person. She couldn’t tell people she knew in real life the things she told Ricky through emails and private messages. She couldn’t let anyone see her as anything but, well, perfect.

Perfection...she was obsessed with it. From her long auburn hair, held up perfectly (as always) by carefully applied pins and hairspray, to her perfectly starched and ironed dress suit (which is the only type of clothing she would be seen wearing in public), she looked perfect. Her life was perfect, too. At least, it would be when she was finished ...

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