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My Best Friends' Mother Turns Into Exhibitionistthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2167 words)

Author: moondawg
Added: Feb 13 2002Views / Reads: 9427 / 8167 [87%]Story vote: 8.11 (9 votes)
My best friends' mother turns into an exhibitionist after I wake up one morning and lets me get what I want

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I was 18 years old at the time and fresh out of high school. After graduation I had a number of different parties to attend to. On the night of this one party, I decided to stay at my friends house for the night so I would not have to drive home. Me and Matt have been good friends for about 5 years and I have been to his house at least once a week. Matt had a mother that every one of my friends had talked about joking around, but she was an absolute knock out. She was in her mid 40's with an outstanding body. She divorced her husband about 8 years back and lived alone with Matt ever since. I always admired her and she was always kind to me.

So after this party that we went to Matt and I went back to his house, and after having one too many drinks I made a joke that I was gonna go sleep with his mother and we just laughed and left it at that. I removed my cloths and grabbed a blanket and snuggled up on the couch (which was my normal bed when sleeping over). I woke up in the morning and found Matt's mom in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing a robe. I watched her move around for a couple of minutes before she looked over to me and realized I was awake. She smiled at me and said good morning. She then asked me how I slept and how the party was as she walked over to the couch I was laying on. I told her that everything was good and that I had a little hangover and she got up and told me she was going to get me an asprin. I was still very sleepy but I was awoken when she returned with a pill and glass of water and when she bent down to hand it to me I had a ...

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