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Birthday Treatthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 1665 words)

Author: Robert Hansen
Added: Feb 13 2002Views / Reads: 4117 / 3247 [79%]Story vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
Wife arranges a show for her husband

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I have heard it said that sometimes our worst fears are our most compelling fantasies. I don't know if it fits everyone, but it sure seems to fit me. I dream of my wife being an exhibitionist, but I run around the house closing the blinds as soon as the sun goes down.

Nevertheless, imagining other men appreciating Jen is constant fuel for my fantasies. I imagine men burning with desire for her. I imagine men telling her they must have her. The wonderful thing is that she is attractive enough to gratify these fantasies. She has silky auburn hair that gathers every ray of light and reflects it back in a thousand directions. Her face resembles Linda Evangelista, but Jen's smile conveys much more warmth. I have posted her picture on a voyeur site (with her face not showing), and the picture now proudly resides in the site's hall of fame.

I said that her looks were the good part, but not the best part. The best part is that she not only tolerates my fantasies, she enjoys hearing me talk about them. During passionate love making, she will ask who I would imagine watching us. When I am at work, she will call and let me listen to her masturbate, and she will remind me that I am not home to close the blinds. She even torments me with sundresses, the type with sheer fabrics that use brightly colored patterns to confuse the eye and convince the beholder that they cannot see through the dress. Then when she knows I am watching she will stand in front of a sunny window that makes her dress virtually transparent. I enjoy ...

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