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The Moviethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1692 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: JJB
Added: Feb 17 2002Views / Reads: 1562 / 1010 [65%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
A night at the movies turns intresting when we realize we are the only ones in the theater.

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The Movie

We decided that night to go to the movie theater. It was supposed to be dinner and dancing, but you were too tired after a long days work. We had settled on seeing a movie then catching a quick bite to eat. I drove up to your house to pick you up and out you came looking fabulous as ever. To my surprise you were wearing your green sun dress that left little to the imagination. It looked wonderful on you and I told you so. The green dress made your green eyes simply sparkle. After a quick kiss hello, I drove off, heading towards the movie theater. You began to talk about everything that had happened to you since I saw you last.

We make it to the theater and you quickly jump out of the car. I watch you get out. Your dress had bunched up during the ride and now you were adjusting it. I was mesmerized watching you. I finally get out and we walk hand in hand to the theater. Once again I tell you how great you look, to which you blush and give me a sly grin. We make our way into the theater, get some drinks and popcorn and find our seats. We are there early and so are the only ones in the theater. We make our way up to the back row where we both like to sit.

We sit back, continue chatting about our weeks, share the popcorn and down our drinks. As the movie begins we notice that we are still the only ones in the theater. You say, "Hey our own private viewing, this ...

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