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My Summer of Excessthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 11777 words)

Author: Jane C.
Added: Feb 19 2002Views / Reads: 6168 / 4997 [81%]Story vote: 8.75 (8 votes)
This is a highly fictionalized account of an affair I had with a younger man.

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Note: this is an updated version of a story that I published here in February, 2002. I want to thank everyone who wrote to me. It was because of this feedback that I decided to re-work the ending.


Even today, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that summer. I know I feel embarrassed - I am still deeply ashamed for the things I did. But my shame is colored by arousal - without question it was the most sexually fulfilling experience of my life. But I suppose I mostly look back at those events with incredulity. How did I, happily married mother of two and typical housewife, find myself carried away by those events. No way, not in a thousand lifetimes could something like that happen to me. Except that it did and I still think about it all the time.

Like I said, I was married. Nice guy, met him in my mid 20's and before I knew it I was a 35 year old cliché. We had a nice house, a mortgage we could barely afford and I thought everything was going along fine. Then our world fell apart. Marty (my husband) got hurt, and with him laid up for 6 months his business went under. Even once he was back on his feet he just didn't have the strength to go back working construction. We let the bank have the house and the cars (like we had a choice) and all of a sudden I was no longer a cliche. We were all but homeless with very little money left in the checking account. Luckily, ...

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