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Endless Summer Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3936 words)

Author: Frat Boy
Added: May 31 2000Views / Reads: 3555 / 3043 [86%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Some friends and I decide to celebrate the end of the summer by going to a club. But the real fun comes later with my girlfriend Jess and her gorgeous friend Crystal...

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I'm a 22 year old male currently attending a small college on the East Coast. I'm in a fraternity here, which has made for some extremely wild times, but that's a story for another time. (see "FRAT").

I didn't have my first true girlfriend until I was a senior in high school, when I was about 16 or 17. Elaine and I spent most of our free time together and we were like best friends, but I never slept with her. It wasn't for lack of desire, she was beautiful, and had a great body, but most of it was just my being shy and the way I was brought up. The school year came and went, and I was eventually accepted by the college where I am now. That summer, I decided to take some classes at a different university just so I'd have an easier course load during my freshman. I remember being on the phone with Elaine for about 4 hours the evening before I left, how she cried because I was leaving her, and how she kept accusing me that I'd find another girl to replace her as soon as I left home. You can just imagine how surprised and hurt I was when, after only one day, she told me that she was seeing someone else! She informed me that she needed someone to be with, and that she couldn't "bear" to have a boyfriend over a hundred miles away. That pretty much ended things right there.

For the first few days of summer classes, I was pretty confused from all of this. I was angry, confused, and hurt, all in one. Not that I was totally heartbroken, I had always known that Elaine wasn't THE one for me, but it was the whole principle of the matter. But life outside of ...

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