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Fraternitythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5260 words)

Author: Frat Boy
Added: May 31 2000Views / Reads: 6455 / 5729 [89%]Story vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
My fraternity brothers and I have some fun with sorority pledges.

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I suppose fraternities and sororities have always had a bad reputation. During my freshman year of college, and even while I was still in high school, I used to think that they were simply a bunch of stuckup people who drank and partied a lot. However, as I always like to say, life is full of ironies, and during my second year of college, I ended up pledging a fraternity. For anonymity's sake, I'll call my fraternity "Pi Rho". We had a sister sorority on campus, Alpha Delta Mu, or the ADM Sisters, whom we were close with. We often threw joint parties, and coordinated social functions on campus and did community service together. We also had the long-standing tradition of trading pledges for one night.

There's always been a mystique of what a person has to go through to get into a fraternity or sorority. Sure, I pledged because I was close to the brotherhood and because I really wanted the letters, but a big part of my reason was also because I merely wanted to find out what pledging was all about. There are some crazy stories that I could recount here, and even though no one will ever know who I am or the exact name of my fraternity, I'm still sworn to secrecy and will honor it. To be honest, pledging wasn't all the bad, most of it was just tedious bullshit, anyway. I spent the majority of the time cleaning the fraternity house, and having to memorize Pi Rho history and personal information about the brotherhood. I will say this much: pledging did have its tough moments. I can remember some nights when the brotherhood hazed my pledge brothers and I up for so long that by the time they let us go, the sun was ...

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