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Alone with herthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:seduction, 1178 words)

Author: Brina Picture in profile
Added: Feb 28 2002Views / Reads: 4609 / 2294 [50%]Story vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
I had never been alone with a woman, just 1 on 1, until this.

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My husband was away on business for three months! We had a girlfriend at the time. A girl I met in a chat room of all places. She lived in Seattle, which is only 3 hours north of us. Anyways, my husband and I have an agreement that we'll never sleep with our girlfriend when the other isn't there.

She came down for the weekend to keep me company since I was alone. We had planned to go shopping that Saturday and stuff. She arrived Friday night and we lazed about the house watching TV. A spicy movie came on Cinemax and we were watching it. It was pretty dumb plot, but the actors were hot!

Anyways, during the movie we were holding hands. Sort of snuggling close, and she starts to kiss me. I knew where she was headed so I reluctantly reminded her of the rule. I was a bit aroused and could tell she was too! Anyways, she stopped for a few to comply with the rule. Then later she tried again. She laid her soft hand on my thigh and began kissing my neck. Oh my god how that drives me crazy. She knew that of course. But I resisted, acting playful, but stern.

So she says. "Ok, that's fine." Then asks if it's ok if she takes care of herself, because the movie had her going. I laughed and said I didn't care. That wasn't against the rules. So she stands up and slips out of her shorts and pulls off her tank top. To describe her. She is 5'5" , slender, and very tight. She has a hint of a six-pack on her ...

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