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Serenity Valley Chapter 4this story is part of the FanClub (ff:romantic, 3130 words) [4/5] show all parts

Author: Dahkme
Added: Mar 07 2002Views / Reads: 1103 / 884 [80%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
The guests have arrived and the fun is just the beginning.

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Chantell and Sierra stayed in the city for a few more days. Sierra had told Chantell about the gathering this weekend and they would need to get back to Serenity Valley to prepare for it. They shopped in a few more stores, picked up supplies for the gathering and visited a few sex shops.

There was going to be four couples at the house this weekend and it promised to be an exciting, adventurous, and have plenty of surprises in store. It was going to be a weekend Sierra and her invited guests were never going to forget.

The four couples that were invited were unknown to the others. The only thing they had in common was that they knew Sierra and a few had met Chantell. Invited were Dianna and her wife Corliss, Alice and her girlfriend Martha, Sheree and her girlfriend Josie. Dianna had met Chantell and Sierra when Chantell's car broke down and she had towed it to the ranch. Chantell met Alice when they went to her about getting it fixed. Alice was the lone mechanic in Serenity Valley. Sheree and Josie had met Chantell through an online acquaintance from a chat room that they frequented although they have never met in real life they were very good friends and talked almost every day.

Sierra owned Serenity Valley and was very popular as Mayor, but it was ...

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