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The Provingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3820 words)

Author: Baast
Added: Mar 15 2002Views / Reads: 1841 / 1405 [76%]Story vote: 8.40 (5 votes)
A young submissive makes up for prior disobediance, by serving her Master...and His other submissive. (Copyright March 14th 2002 by CForest)

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He's angry. I can sense it just from the tread I hear outside the door, the way the key turns in the lock. I hear the door unlock, then a pause. He doesn't immediately open the door, and my breath catches. He is so angry, I know it when the door opens, I can feel Him glowering, but I remain in posture, not looking up.

I am on the floor on my knees, nude except for the collar around my throat. My hands are upturned on my spread thighs, in a gesture of complete submission. My chin is up, eyes cast to the floor. He does not speak as He stalks into the room, only stands over me, staring down. I swallow dryly, keeping my eyes to the floor. His gaze is hot on my head, twin dark lasers boring straight to my soul. I am afraid, afraid to look up, and afraid to look into that dark gaze. It has been more than two months since I last saw Him, more than a week since I got the message that curtly told me when and where to meet Him. I had been avoiding Him, on the Internet, avoiding His phone calls, and being petulant and distant when I did speak with Him. All of which led me to wonder why I was here in the first place, why not simply not show, give Him up, find another?

The reason for my dismissal of my duties as His sub was jealousy. I had become increasingly jealous of my sub sister, jealous of her seeming superiority in His eyes. So I had pouted, hoping to rely on my childish tactics and get dismissed. But now when it had come to brass tacks, I had found myself unable to turn away from Him. I wanted no other ...

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