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screwed M/F cuckold interracialthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 7510 words)

Author: Ace
Added: Mar 16 2002Views / Reads: 7700 / 6920 [90%]Story vote: 9.29 (14 votes)
My narrator, Dave, is pretty sure he's being screwed by his stepfather. In the scheme he hatches to find out, his young Japanese wife ends up getting screwed by his stepfather in the other way, while Dave watches helplessly.

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I consider this kind of an Ace classic. I've revised it extensively now, and I think it's much improved, although it is also a bit longer...

Send any and all comments to; storyace@hotmail.com

The rest of my stories are at; http://www.asstr.org/~aceinthe_hole// and; ftp://ftp.asstr.org/pub/Authors/aceinthe_hole/ [in plain text]

Screwed, by Ace 2000, revised 2001

I was pretty sure that my stepfather, Frank, was screwing me.

My mother had got us into a start-up venture together some years ago, before her death; a local Internet service provider for our town.

Frank put up most of the starting capital, and did the billing and bookkeeping while I housed the machinery at my home and did the technical work.

All of the income was reinvested in the business, and I had a "real" job to pay my bills. We had to borrow heavily at one stage to keep up with the demand for more capacity; but by the time of the story that I will now tell, there should have been profits. Lots of profits.

I did the engineering; I knew how many subscribers we had, and I knew ...

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