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My Life So Far, Part 5: Amber & Melissathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 5006 words) [5/9] show all parts

Author: Henri de BB Picture in profile
Added: Mar 23 2002Views / Reads: 1490 / 1179 [79%]Part vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
When my former lover comes to visit my "family," sparks fly all around!

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I got a distressing phone call the other day. It seems "Mel" was coming to town for a visit and wanted to hook up with me.

At first I was excited at the prospect of seeing an old lover. You see, Melissa (Mel to her friends) was my second lover (Julie being my first, until she was taken from me in a terrible car accident.) I was Mel's first love, and taught her everything I knew about sex, love and life, from my completely open view point. And she promised me that she'd be forever grateful for that experience. The only thing wrong with that promise was that she made it over the phone, from Hawaii....I was in Florida. In the hospital with a broken collar bone... And a broken heart...

But now I was married to a beautiful, young girl. And Amber is a very passionate, and sometimes, jealous woman. I'd never told her about Mel, for good reason... I think I still loved Mel!!!

Of course, I ended up telling her, anyway! I've never kept secrets from Amber. I love her too damn much. Besides, she already knew.

"Chris, it's no big deal..." She said, "You are a very loving, caring and passionate man. That's why I fell in love with you, you dope!"

"And here I always thought it was my body that you loved," I kidded.


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