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Cock Teasethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3965 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Dreamweaver Picture in profile
Added: Mar 24 2002Views / Reads: 5828 / 4976 [85%]Part vote: 8.70 (10 votes)
Melissa loves to tease the guys until she meets her match.

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Melissa stands before her bedroom mirrors admiring herself. Long ago, Melissa had covered all the walls in her bedroom with mirrors because she loved to look at herself. She is getting ready to go to Charlie's Bar. It's her Friday night ritual to help her unwind from a long week of work and start her weekend off in a good mood. Her ritual consists of dressing like a slut and going to Charlie's Bar to have all the men flirt with her, want her, but not have her. She loves how they make fools of themselves over her. It makes her feel powerful and sexy. The main rules of her ritual were never go to the bar with girlfriends (competition for attention is bad) and to never let a guy have his way with her (she had to be in control).

On this Friday, she came home, showered and dressed provocatively. She had settled on a teeny-weeny black leather skirt with a silk black thong underneath so that if and when she bent over the guys would see her round, firm golden tanned ass. To show off her 24-inch waist she decided to wear a halter-top that fell right above her cute little belly button. The halter-top was red and sheer. To have all eyes focused on her 34 C boobs she decided to wear a peek-a-boo black bra so her breast were lifted up, although she had no sag, and her nipples could show clearly through her halter. To top it off she settled on black open toe 3-inch pumps, making her 5'7.


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