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The Meeting Part #3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 605 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Phoebus
Added: Mar 29 2002Views / Reads: 233 / 0 [0%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
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The girl on stage ends her set and a new girl climbs up to the center stage. The announcer calls her Heather. Blonde and petite, a marked contrast to my companion. Heather starts h her first dance and grinds it slowly for the guys around the tip rail. She spies my companion but makes no outward notice. Heather made her way down the line until she passed me and was in front of her. the design of the stage allowedHeather to get close to my companion. Her bikini top slides off and lands near me. Heather gets very close, closer that she could with the guys, and caresses my companions face. My girl blushes deeply and smiles.

Not sure what to do, she leaves a dollar on the rail at the end of of the song. Heather smirks at her and collect her tips, markedly leave my girl's tip behind.

My girl unbuttons some of the buttons on her flannel shirt. The next song begins...

Heather starts down the rail again, teasing all the men and giving me a very pointed look of distain. She lingers in front of my girl, draping her g-string across her shoulder. Heather is really working it in front her. She sits down on the bar, and slowly reaches into my girl's bra and fondles her breasts openly.

My cock feels as though it's going to break through my pants, I am so ...

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