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The Test Drivethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:one-on-one, 1839 words)

Author: Jamie Michaels Picture in profile
Added: Mar 29 2002Views / Reads: 1850 / 1549 [84%]Story vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
When Tim, my favorite mechanic, offered to take the car for a test drive I ddin't realize he was actually checking ME out.

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THE TEST DRIVE Jamie Michaels Disclaimer: This story deals with adult males participating in man-to-man consensual sex so if you are under age or got into this site by mistake please exit now! Other wise remember, all characters in the story are purely fictional and any similarity to actual individuals is totally coincidental.

My car seemed to be spluttering more than usual as I pulled into the Shell station at the corner of Highway 210 and Ferry Road to get it checked. I had been stopping here since it opened a year ago and once I saw the mechanic I tried to come back as often as I could. I never got a fill-up because I could come back more often and with my car being a Junker something was always tearing up so I saw a lot of Tim, his name was on the patch on his uniform shirt. I would like to see a lot more of him especially out of that uniform, but I was not the forward type.

"Sounds like the fuel pump," Tim replied after only a short listen, "I'll take a look," and proceeded to slide beneath the car. I watched as his upper body disappeared beneath the chassis and his legs protruded from beneath. My eyes followed from his work boots up his legs, noticing how his work pants clung to his well-rounded thighs and made little v's at his crotch area, straining to contain his massive tool.

"Looks pretty good, just a fuel line clog," Tim spoke as he continued with his work and I watched intensely, never taking my eyes off his ...

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