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Jennathis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 1606 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: JLN
Added: Apr 02 2002Views / Reads: 4346 / 3689 [85%]Part vote: 9.25 (4 votes)
Confused about her attraction to a college friend and uneasy about expressing her feelings, fate takes over and a romance is born.

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Jenna and I had been friends since our sophomore year in college. We had gotten to know each other in class and through study groups and found that we had lots in common. We both were English majors; both liked sports and both had old boyfriends at home that tied us to the past. We frequently studied together finding that it was helpful to have someone else to share the misery of hours in the library. When we finished our studying, we would celebrate our perseverance by going to the local pub or coffee shop and indulging.

Over the months, I had found myself growing very attracted to Jenna. I was confused by my feelings for her since I considered myself to be straight. But, there was no mistaking the excitement I felt when we were together; it was more than just friendship. Jenna was very pretty. She was about two inches taller than me and a few pounds lighter. Her athletic interests helped her keep in shape and she always looked tanned. I enjoyed watching her movements, which were marked by grace and confidence. Though I'd never seen Jenna naked, I knew her body well. I found myself stealing glances at her when she'd occasionally change clothes at my dorm room. At the pool, she usually wore a lycra Speedo which clung to her like a second skin. Her breasts and bottom were firm and well sculpted. Her long legs were strong and muscular from adherence to a regular exercise program. Even without such a great body, Jenna would have been beautiful because of her killer smile and warm, deep eyes.


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