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Alchemical Ink: The Hungry Kittenthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 6353 words)

Author: MorganHawke Picture in profile
Added: Apr 03 2002Views / Reads: 1881 / 1466 [78%]Story vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
Carnal Hunger and Punishment.

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Angel rattled the keys in the lock as she opened the huge wooden front doors for the evening. It was barely seven in the evening on a Friday night at the Hungry Kitten Gentleman's Club. Taking a quick look around, Angel noticed that the parking lot was empty except for the cars belonging to the bar staff and the ladies that danced for a living. The night was young and promised good tips from exhausted executives and blue-collar workers with freshly cashed paychecks burning holes in their pockets.

A full moon floated just above the trees in the last blue of the darkening sky. Angel smiled to herself. Madame Athena, owner of the Hungry Kitten Club, said that a full moon meant a full house and full pockets for everyone. Madame Athena also said that the full moon also brought out the crazies. It was going to be a busy night for everyone, especially the bouncers.

"Hey Angel, how's tricks?" said a deep voice from behind her. Angel turned and smiled at the huge bouncer shadowing her back.

"Oh, hi Craig." Craig was pushing seven feet tall with massive shoulders that gave away the hours he liked to spend in the gym lifting weights. His ice-gray eyes were creased with humor. "No tricks yet," smiled Angel, "but there is a full moon tonight and it's Friday."

"Great," he moaned dramatically. Fussily he straightened the lapels of ...

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