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Birthday Present From My Babythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 936 words)

Author: Hollywood
Added: Apr 06 2002Views / Reads: 3368 / 1 [0%]Story vote: 5.00 (2 votes)
My girl takes my fantasy and makes it happen! (MFFF)

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About a week or so before my 25th birthday, Anne and I were lying in bed when it came up. She asked if I had any fantasies that she could fulfill. Knowing full well this could be one of her little devious games, I said "What do you mean?"

Anne replied, "Come on, Mike, you know what I mean. If I could do one thing, say for your birthday, what would it be? I'm willing to consider ANYTHING."

I thought for a moment and went for it. "I've always wanted to be with more than one woman at a time." Now don't get me wrong. Anne is more than enough for me. Beautiful shoulder length red hair, nice legs and ass, but mostly those two fantastic 38D tits. Our sex life has been great throughout our year and a half marriage.

I was fully expecting her to throw me out, when I saw this devilish smile come on her face. "Interesting," she said. "I never knew you wanted THAT sort of thing."

"I don't know. You asked for it."

With that she turned over and went to sleep. I thought she was going to be real pissed, but the next morning our conversation seemed to be forgotten. Before she left for work, Anne said, "I'll be home late from work. I'm having dinner with Amy and Courtney." She flashed that ...

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