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Sweet Revengethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1412 words)

Author: Nicola32 Picture in profile
Added: Apr 13 2002Views / Reads: 1511 / 979 [65%]Story vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
She plans Sweet Revenge on her cheating boyfriend.

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We had been dating for sometime now, but you had also been cheating on me just as long. That hurt me; I decided to move on, as I sat around, what was once our house packing up my belongings. Many thoughts scurrying through my mind, I thought evil plans of how I could hurt you like you have hurt me, but those ideas left as quickly as they came. Then that shit-eating grin slowly appeared as only another scheme had formed. I quickly finished packing and loading my stuff into the U-haul I had rented, deciding to pay you a visit at work.

When I arrived you were standing around with a couple of your drinking buddies, shooting the shit. That is when you spotted me in the doorway; we walked towards one another until we were face to face. "Hi baby, you missing me?" you asked. I replied with, "Yes baby, I am and I am planning something real special for you tonight." It was so hard for me to put on a loving front when deep inside I just wanted to shake you asking, "How could you hurt me like this?" "Don't you love me?" But I you would be getting what you deserve soon enough.

That evening, I made your favorite dinner and served at the dinner tables only lit by candlelight. "Wow baby, this looks fabulous," you stated as you quickly dug in. To look at you and think that I once loved you repelled me, not liking those thoughts I quickly moved them aside. Once you were done eating, and had retired to the couch; I cleared the table, and cleaned up. I wiped my hands on a dishtowel as I walked into the living room. "Baby, you ready for your surprise ...

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