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Shelly's storythis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 2316 words)

Author: Dude143 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 02 2000Views / Reads: 1411 / 1076 [76%]Story vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
Shelly, one of the characters in my on-going lesbian series, explains to Amy about how she discovered she was into women

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Amy and Shelly were sitting around one day visiting. The two of them were asking each other questions about favorite bands and what TV shows they liked when Amy asked her friend if she minded answering a personal question. When Shelly nodded, Amy took a deep breath and asked her question.

She asked Shelly how she found out that she was into girls. Her answer was that it was a long story. She could tell that Amy was curious so she decided to tell the story rather than leave it at that.

Shelly told her that it all started in senior year of high school. She was nearing the end of the school year and was really excited about graduation. For the most part, she had been a good student, but she always hated gym class. She was convinced that the gym teacher, Miss Springer had something against her because she would always score low on any of the fitness tests.

The fitness test was a test that this particular gym teacher had designed. Even though the state and even the school didn't require it, she insisted that everyone to take it or fail her class. It consisted of reflex tests and something else that supposedly tested hand-eye co-ordination. There was also a seemingly stupid test where you were blindfolded and had to balance on one leg, then the other for ten seconds each.


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