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Young and Oldthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 2240 words)

Author: SkyDick
Added: Apr 22 2002Views / Reads: 16839 / 9446 [56%]Story vote: 7.67 (3 votes)
This is what happens when I get a second chance at living M/F/F

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Young and Old

It all happened a couple of years ago when I won the Power ball Lotto. I had over 300 Million dollars, enough to last me comfortably for the rest of a couple of lifes. One of the companies I bought was a Medical Research company. They were into neurological studies. Well about a year after I bought them I had an accident in which my body was so mangled that I ended up dead. My company's president immediately brought me back to our facilities and they preformed a brain transplant. I was given so many steroids and mind stimulants that I was both very strong and very smart, but I was in the body of a 14 year old. I also had a 12" dick with a girth of 4", what a dilemma, here I was a 45 year old man with a boys body.

I ended up having to go back to high school, a lot different from the first time around. On my first day, in the last class of the day, I had math and I have always loved math, even more so when my teacher was a 23 year old knockout. She was 5' 2" about 110 pounds Strawberry- blonde hair, green eyes and her name was Ann-Marie French. I ended up staying late, asking her questions, then I asked her if she would mind giving me a lift home as I had missed the bus. She agreed but very reluctantly. I kept looking at her legs in the car on the way home and she caught me, so I told her that she was a very stunning woman. She asked me, "How so?" I said that she had nice soft hair, pretty green eyes, and nice firm legs. Then I saw her stare at my crotch and her ...

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