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Resistancethis story is part of the FanClub (ff:romantic, 6870 words)

Author: Colleen Thomas
Added: Apr 22 2002Views / Reads: 5869 / 4401 [75%]Story vote: 9.78 (9 votes)
A member of the Resistance takes shelter from pursuing soldiers in the appartmes of the garrions commander's wife.

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Colleen Thomas Misscolly@aol.com


The Luger felt cold and heavy in Anne-Marie's small hand. She hated guns, violence, confrontation, and was by nature timid and reserved. Under normal circumstances she would be home now, or maybe out with Polly at the girl's club, in the underground. I wish I was anywhere but here, she thought. Circumstances were far from normal, for this was Paris in 1943 and Anne-Marie had joined her countrymen in resisting the German invaders. She was not at all what one would assume a member of the Resistance should look like. At barely five feet tall and one hundred pounds she was had the trim figure of a dancer. Hazel eyes gazed out of a delicately featured face and were framed by a mass of black locks. Her slim hips, small chest, and youthful looks allowed her to pass herself off as a schoolgirl, even though she was almost twenty-four.

She saw the shadowy figures of Jean Claude and Pierre flit up the darkened street and gripped the gun tightly. She was the lookout tonight, standing in a darkened doorway she blended into the shadows. She would fire a warning shot and then escape down the street if she saw any Germans coming. The two men took up stations outside Madam Garnet's whorehouse and waited as a silent rain began to fall.


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