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Perving Passionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2824 words)

Author: MichaelOkker
Added: Apr 24 2002Views / Reads: 5013 / 4219 [84%]Story vote: 8.00 (4 votes)
Perving on the young neighbour next door getting screwed by her boyfriend outside, couldn't resist the urge to follow.

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As I walked down the driveway from my weekend cottage towards the beach for my morning walk, my neighbours Jeff and Sonya were driving past. They stopped to say hello and a quick chat, advising me that they were gone for most of the day and Cathy, their daughter, was home by herself and could I keep an eye on her. They were wary of the local studs dropping around to visit young Cathy and could I make myself obvious to keep them away. I agreed as I had watched Cathy grow up into a delightful young lady of 18 years over the past few years we had been neighbours in our weekend getaway village. I must admit she had been in my fantasy dreams many times visualising this young nymph in stages of undress and thinking what it would be like to feel that lithe body and maybe even screwing her tight pussy. I knew this was highly unlikely, me being a divorced guy of 40 years old with kids of my own. Anyway, I strode off along the track down to the beach and my walk around the foreshore of the bay enjoying the idyllic lifestyle on this beautiful warm balmy day.

It generally takes me about an hour and a half to complete my walk so I was back home around 11.30am. By the time I reached home I was thirsty and hot, having finished my water and discarded my T-shirt. I went inside to quench my thirst and wash up. When I finished looking after myself I thought I should check on Cathy to see if she was OK. As our properties are settled in natural surroundings with no ...

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